“Pray it away”,
indeed; that was but a part of the orchestrated chant put together by the
organizers of the “Organize, Reflect, Act: A Day of Action for Justice in
Louisiana”, a protest on the LSU campus Saturday against the unholy union of the
churchy fundamentalist group the American Family Association and state chief
executive Bobby Jindal. Arriving about
thirty minutes early, I was concerned that the turnout was not going to be as
strong as hoped; there were only about ten or so people mingling in the chilly
sunshine in front of the Bell
Tower , but Louisianans,
and especially students, are notorious late arrivals, and within 30 minutes the
crowd had grown to an estimated 400.
No group of LGBTQs
and heathens that large would escape the notice of a diligent street preacher, (witness
the French Quarter at Mardi Gras or the Southern Decadence Festival), and the
start of today’s activities was no exception, especially given the likely sizeable
contingent of preachers on hand for the day’s activities. The wiry fellow was
clearly flushed with Red Bull as well as the holy spirit, his carotid arteries
straining visibly through his scruffy neck whiskers.
The little guy
persisted and followed the group around the block to the main staging area for
the rest of the demonstration near the gate entrance into the Pete Maravich
Assembly Center .
He was soon made inaudible and even less significant when the Master of
Ceremonies, a burly, part-time rap artist began introducing the speakers. A
total of about 12 people spoke for 3-5 minutes each, a group that included
professors, lawyers, student LGBT activists, a young Muslim woman, a city
councilwoman from Grambling ,
La. , Jessie Nieblas with the New
Orleans Abortion Fund, and an aspiring youthful poet.

At the
conclusion of the talks, we made our way the Student Union and gathered in the
ballroom for a panel discussion. Panel members were organizer Peter Jenkins, State Representative Patricia Smith, law professor Jack Harrison, and, now to
remain nameless, an Southern Poverty Law Center representative and another of
the program’s organizers. The panel did a good job of fielding and answering
questions; State Representative Smith was particularly astute and politically
motivational, having just been through a week of Martin Luther King activities.
An unannounced and almost unnoticed appearance of Zack Kopplin in the audience
for a few minutes was not mentioned. I found that a bit curious; perhaps he was
on the down low for a reason.
At the conclusion of the panel discussion, four small workshop groups concluded the day. I attended one on social media, the remaining NOSHAN listened to one on grassroots organizing.
Reflect, Act” sponsors, participants, and coordinators did a professional job
with this project. And mine is just one view, much like theirs, a view from the
outside. Inside the Pete
Maravich Assembly
Center ? No one out here
really knows if they prayed away the hate or not. But we really doubt it.
~Marty Bankson
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