With symbolic baby steps, Louisiana atheist and secular groups entered
the Louisiana Capitol on June 7 and set up information tables in the northwest
corner of the marble-and mural-embellished Memorial Hall.
Those modest first steps may have resonated more than the nonstop shoe clatter of legislators, pages, and other government groupies scuttling across the buffed stone floors of the grand hall of the building. For the first time, an organized presence of openly anti-religious citizens staked a claim to owning a part of the legislative process, a right to be seen and heard in the people’s house, which until now was the default divineprovince of fundamentalist Protestant
lobbyists and Catholic archbishops.
Although on this day there was going to be no legislation proposed, no lobbying undertaken, or speeches made, secularLouisiana made another small inroad into the
consciousnesses of Louisiana
legislators, baby stepping. Previous appearances by Jim Dugan at Senate
Education Committee hearings on the humorously-named Louisiana Science and Education
Act may gave been the first efforts to give a meaningful voice to the
secularist viewpoint against religious influence on public policy. At this day’s
event, we emerged from the relative obscurity of committee chambers and parked
it frontand- center, in the company of the 10-foot white marble statue of Jean
Baptiste Le Moyne Bienville, founder of New
Orleans .
Through a common Facebook page several Louisiana Atheist groups share, the group was able to get representatives from Alexandria Freethinkers, Winn Parish, and the recently re-organized Baton Rouge Freethinkers (formerly Capital Area Atheists and Agnostics) to join in with the NOSHA representatives from our group to offer information and handouts, and, from theAlexandria
group, devilishly tempting packs of Skittles. Several small placards and one poster-sized sign implored passers-by to ASK AN ATHEIST.
Those modest first steps may have resonated more than the nonstop shoe clatter of legislators, pages, and other government groupies scuttling across the buffed stone floors of the grand hall of the building. For the first time, an organized presence of openly anti-religious citizens staked a claim to owning a part of the legislative process, a right to be seen and heard in the people’s house, which until now was the default divine
Although on this day there was going to be no legislation proposed, no lobbying undertaken, or speeches made, secular
Through a common Facebook page several Louisiana Atheist groups share, the group was able to get representatives from Alexandria Freethinkers, Winn Parish, and the recently re-organized Baton Rouge Freethinkers (formerly Capital Area Atheists and Agnostics) to join in with the NOSHA representatives from our group to offer information and handouts, and, from the

Activities like Capitol Day, attending legislative sessions,
speaking up at committee hearings, and any form of government petitioning are
all, by themselves, small steps, but are cumulative and essential to gain more
attention and respect if we are serious about affecting positive, beneficial
legislation for all citizens, and countering the regressive influence of the
religious lobby. So thanks to all who share this commitment and were able to
take the time to come.
Bankson, Avi Velazquez, Winn Parish—Randall T. Hayes
~Marty Bankson
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